performing for the living

I am not your asian fuck toy II (2016)

The I Am Not Your Asian Fuck Toy series is a group of work that tackles the stereotype of fetishizing Asian women. In Western society, the Asian female has been boxed into a cliche of passive, obedient, submissive.

The Asian fetish of hyper sexualizing this particular body has embedded itself into American society so that it has become normalized, such as terms like "yellow fever." By using the language that is surrounding this particular typecast,  I Am Not Your Asian Fuck Toy is confronting the audience of this ignorant one-sided view.

Both part I & II create an environment to overwhelm, surround, and engulf whether it be through size or through the sensory. 

Part II of I Am Not Your Asian Fuck Toy is a sound installation made up of a constructed room (125x54x96 inches). The space is painted completely black and there is no light let in, creating an experience of no sight for the viewer. In this way, the auditory experience is pushed to the forefront. When entering the space, the audio component overwhelms the viewer, the sound so loud that it can be heard walking down the hallway into the space. The room itself is completely empty except for the recorded voices of Asian women living in America repeatedly stating "I am not your Asian fuck toy." The voices are layered over and over again so that only parts of the statement can be heard at certain points, only if one is able to stay long enough to parse through all the cacophony. The voices scream endlessly and the sound is so loud, the floor vibrates with the collective Asian femme rage. Our anger uncontainable.